Last night was beautiful. Clear skies and very comfortable temperatures. Ventured out at around 6:30. Peaked into our local Israeli Grill & Sushi restaurant to scope out the menu. Looked good, but first we wanted to walk around a bit.
There weren't too many folks around. A lot of what goes on around the marina is for kids. There's the bazaar with the same old, same old stuff. We knew we were back in Israel when nobody pressured us to buy anything. We crossed over the bridge and walked till we ran out of stuff to see - mostly shops. Eilat and Aqaba, Jordan are both tax free cities due to their proximity to the border. That explains all the malls and shops.
Time for dinner. We headed back to the sushi bar where we enjoyed a very good and surprisingly inexpensive dinner.
Woke up to a very windy day. This did not fair well for our snorkeling plans. We put the snorkeling on hold and tried to figure out what to do in Mitzpe Ramon, our next destination. We leave tomorrow, which is sabot, so not much is open. After breakfast, we headed to the Eilat Tourist Information center to hopefully get more information on the place. Luckily, a very nice tour guide happened to be there waiting for a group to show up for her tour. She got out a map and gave us all sorts of helpful information. Mitzpe Ramon is the Grand Canyon of Israel. It would be nice to score some bikes, but if not, there are several hiking opportunities.
The guide asked us if we wanted to join her free tour of Eilat. We would have, but we had to pick up the rental car - plus I think we have had enough of guides for a while. Saving up all our ruins, churches, temples, and museums for Jerusalem. We took a stroll along the beach area by the marina and did our Jerry B. thing. Discussed trying to snorkel after picking up the car, but the winds were not cooperating. Not only were they strong, they were coming from the worst possible direction.
Now what?? No snorkeling. We got our stuff together to go down across the marina to where we have free access to the beach for this hotel. Down in the lobby some grips were moving in heavy sound and lighting equipment. Asked someone what was going on and found out a big name Israeli singer will be performing tonight at 10pm. Last night I told Geoff I was sorry we missed the stand up comic - he said yeah -- it was all in Hebrew -- oh right....duh! The singer might be fun though. This guy also told us of a big water and light show the town puts on right near the museum on Friday nights at 9pm. Well, the evening is taken care of.
Showered and went downstairs for the Sabbath refreshments. I lit a shabbat candle and said a prayer for my Aunt Bertha who recently passed away. She lived to be 99. She was one of the good ones and will definitely be missed.
We walked through the marina madness to get to the Moses Cafe for our veggie burgers for dinner. The restaurant is on the beach hotel strip. Walking back along the beach, it felt odd that looking left is Jordan and on the right is Israel. So close, yet so far.
Quick stop back at the hotel and we were off again to see the music and water show. It was a lot of fun. The music started with Star Wars and then some 007 before segueing into some Hebrew pop and ending with Beethoven. The park was filled. Friday nights are a big deal in Israel.
Shabbat Shalom....
Next time..Mitzpe Ramon
TODAY'S PHOTO ALBUM: Israel - Eilat - Day 2
My favorite part of this was the whole descriptions of what you did and where you went and then "It was now around noon." I realized then that the first part was the night before, but still, you do get up and going! Glad you took the rest of the day "off" to lounge by the pool.